This is my Portfolio Page!

Reflection: Both of these games were made with the intent of both being fun and receiving a grade! I appreciate games for what they're worth but creating these were incredibly frustating with a satisfying finish. Both of these games were made and sourced by Thanks to this website, we were able to complete the agonizing task of accomplishing the impossible and creating my own game! After creating my first game, where the wizard sprite must collect the fruit, I decided to take it to the next step by featuring this same aspect in my original game where the main character (the player) must collect the cards while dodging the trendy teens. This game holds a deeper message as people the player gets to experience what it's like for a person to dodge the bully's (trendy teens) in order appreciate and love their own passion. Both of these games invovled alot of testing where me and my partner developed the script through meticulous trial and error. I realize that this game could use ALOT OF IMPROVEMENTS but I learned what I needed and decided to move on and work on my next project with my limited amounts of time. This project was ok so to speak but I learned the basic elements of coding in scripts.

Summary: There was a Jewish Baker named Fiachra Pantheras that was destined for greatness but like many others, an obstacle stood in his way: the Nazi Regime. Fiachra must now choose between remaining with his ill yet ungrateful father or reuniting with his selfish family in New Mexico. Depending on your decisions, Fiachra life is literally in your hands.

Reflection: This story was more fun then I'll admit however, I yet again wished I put more effort into the plot but oh well. Like any good story, I began with a rough draft of how the main character would trangress throughout the story. An important element in python needed for this project is the elif statement which incorporated the options that the player would be able to choose from. I didn't really have any problems about this work because it was particularly repetative coding. I liked the concept of the project and being able to read other's such as the happy life of Timmy, had some humorous plot points. If I had an option to do this over and do improvements, I would've made the story more elaborate and maybe improve the clarity of options provided.